Today we were called out a Upvc window lock repair that would not open, the job was a quick drive of just 20 minutes from our base in the centre of Nottingham.
Upvc windows use a very simple locking mechanism that only relays on a few moving parts to creat a very secure and tight lock. They do after years of use and added moisture from cooking or showers/baths have a habit of giving up the ghost and this will result in a Upvc window that will not open or a Upvc window that will not lock.
If the window is open it is a quick job to remove the locking system and replace with a new one – we carry a huge range of different types and sizes of window locking mechanisms so we can fit in just one visit – but if the window is in the locked position then it takes a bit of locksmith knowledge and the right tools to get the window open with out damage to the window or it’s frame luckily for us we have the know how and tools.
This job the window firmly stuck in the locked position it was a bathroom window so the added condensation would have been it’s downfall. We removed the handle and could clearly see that the follower inside had completely broken in some cases a small tool can be inserted and the rollers can be pulled out of the locked position but the mechanism was able to be manipulated this way so we would have to manually pull the rollers back – there are a few videos available on YouTube that explain how to do this but to mere mortals this is a very tricky task that invokes tools you may not have plus if done incorrectly can result in damage to the frame or it’s other working parts.
Our Locksmiths have had years of experience and this job was done in just a few minutes with no damage to the window or it’s frame. A new window locking mechanism was fitted and the customer gasped a fully working Upvc window again in the bathroom.
If you have a faulty or broken locking mechanism on a Upvc window in Nottingham then give our team a call – we will be able to give advice and a quote for the work needed to repair or replace your faulty or broken Upvc window in Nottingham call 0115 8320 195.
LS Locksmiths
72 Noel St
0115 832 0195