Another day another failed Upvc locking mechanism Repair The call out was to change a lock on a Upvc door as the owner could not open the door with the key, upon arrival we diagnosed that the cylinder was working correctly but that the mechanism was not retracting on one section of the multipoint.
From our base a emergency locksmith can be in Carlton in as little as 10 minutes and able to solve all your locksmith needs, our locksmiths in Carlton arrive in a fully stocked van so almost all jobs can be done in one visit. Locked out in Carlton our 24hr locksmiths will gain entry quickly and with no damage to the door or it’s lock. Call 0115 8320195 for FREE advice & quotes
The multipoint on this property was manufactured by GU and was a quick fix to open and replace the broken part.

For those not in the trade who have not had experience of this type of multipoint the gu has a reversible latch so that it be used on doors either hung on the left or right instructions on how to reverse the latch are sometimes shown by a sticker on the side of the gearbox but it’s not the clearest to understand and most times the sticker is not present which can lead to some people opening the gearbox case thinking that’s how to reverse the bolt, doing so could lead to parts moving and the gearbox not working so here is a short video on how to reverse the bolt.
Hopefully this will help and save a perfectly good multipoint from the scrap bin.
One last helpful tip when removing a multipoint from a door only unscrew a screw! If there are “screws” in place that require anything others then a Philips/post to remove leave in place – certain screws are holding the working parts of the multipoint in place and should not be removed unless you know how to put them back together – if in doubt get a professional like ourself to do I you’ll be surprised just how affordable we can be.