I was called out to visit a property in Burton Joyce where the home owner could not open the Upvc front door, the key was turning in the cylinder and felt like it was unlocking but the handle would not release.
Our locksmiths cover Burton Joyce and from our base can get to the centre of the village in as little as 20mins if you need a locksmith in Burton Joyce Nottingham call us on 0115 8320195 for free advice & quotes.
As always if a Upvc locking mechanism has failed the first thing we do is remove the handles but in this case the handles had been over tightened and the screw heads were completely burred so what should be very simple task turned into a extra 15mins of drill out the screws… don’t over tighten screws it’s not good or clever!
Once the handles were off we were able to identify the multipoint mechanism as a lock master and even better it was a duel spindle version so using the existing spindle we dropped it down to the cam follower below, turned and the door was open.
Th full mechanism could now be removed from the door and the faulty gearbox removed and replaced with brand new original part, the mechanism was tested to be correctly working and then replaced back into the door.
As always we always check that the Upvc door is aligned correctly once we’ve installed the new working part, the door was mid aligned and this would have lead to the part failure much earlier then it should have so we correctly aligned the door and installed new handles as the old ones were petty well worn. The customer no had a fully working door that will last many many more years with trouble free operation.