Locksmith Bulwell | Locksmith Bulwell Nottingham
LS Locksmiths are your local locksmiths in Bulwell Nottingham we have dedicated locksmiths at your disposal in your area. Our locksmith Bulwell Nottingham service provides emergency locksmith services for lock outs etc, and a same day service for non emergency’s like Upvc door repairs. Our highly knowledgable and qualified locksmiths are on hand for advice or a no obligation quote call our team on 0115 8320195
One of our most requested locksmith service in Bulwell Nottingham is for smart intruder alarms and video doorbells.
Now more then ever the need to protect your homes and property is at the upmost in people thoughts and advances in security technology has made this task not just affordable but simple, smart alarms and video doorbells offer not just high levels of protection but are active deterrents from being a victim of crime.
Video doorbells offer not just the ability to be able to answer the door from anywhere but also capture images/video and alert you when somebody approaches your property. And because of there reliability, simplistic and low cost people are fitting extra video doorbells to protect not just the front of the home but also other areas like the back garden.
Imagine having the ability to shout “ hey what are doing in my garden” to a unified intruder when there presence has be detected by the motion sensors you can be sure they will be quick to leave.
Sometimes people leave there homes unprotected by not installing a quality alarm as they think the high cost is just not affordable but by installing a smart Alarm you get all the features and more then high cost monitored alarms but at a much lower ticket price and no monthly fees plus because they are totally wireless should you move to a new property you can easily take the system with you meaning once you’ll only have to pay once and it could last you a lifetime.
A Smart alarm system can be as big or as small as your needs require and additional features like smoke, flood and internal cameras added should you need. Long range and highly reliable the new wave of Smart Alarms are able to protect your property no matter how big or small.
If you require a locksmith to install a video doorbell - smart alarm system or add additional security or would like advice on any of the services or products then please contact our locksmith Bulwell team today call 0115 8320195 and speak direct to a locksmith.
Do you need a locksmith in Bulwell Nottingham or more information on the locksmith Bulwell Nottingham services or products - call our landline today and speak to one of our team we can offer advice and no obligation quotes call 0115 8320195
About Bulwell Nottingham
Before the 1800s the people of Bulwell would have earned their living from agriculture, framework knitting and lace-making.
Most of the land that made up the area of Bulwell was farmed using the old strip farming method.
It was the mid 1800’s that industrialisation started due to its ideal close proximity to the River Leen the opening of collieries and blast furnaces took place and for a very short period it was the centre of glove manufacture in the city. From 1800 the population steadily increased from around 1500 in 1800 to well over 9000 in 1912.
Passenger trains first started running to Bulwell in October 1848 and continued until October 1964 when the service closed due to the Dr Beeching’s cuts. A rail line did remain open to transport coal from the local collieries.
In 1994 Bulwell restarted a passenger service with the opening of the Robin Hood line but has made way for The Nottingham tram system which connects Bulwell to the city of Nottingham.
During the 1930s most of the old buildings were demolished and replaced with new housing. In the 1960s a major development programme saw huge areas of countryside around the centre of Bulwell developed with roads, housing, schools, shops and other community buildings.
The River Leen runs through the centre of Bulwell and next to the river in the centre of Bulwell is a piece land known locally as "The Bogs." Now a very popular green open space, it was refurbished in 2008 with a children’s play area added.
Bulwell Bogs was formerly an ancient open space but was enclosed in the late 1860s. In 1872 a local lad was charged with trespass on the area, a case that was dismissed when his lawyer cited ancient rights of public usage. The case had a huge support from the local people and it is reported that over a thousand men women and children went marched through Bulwell to take back possession of the Bogs. The victory was short lived and the land was soon enclosed again. Shortly afterwards Nottingham Corporation stepped in to make peace and bought the Bogs which remain a public open space to this day.
LS Locksmiths is local family run locksmiths based in the heart of Nottingham we offer a incredibly fast same day service, thats affordable while only using high quality branded products. Our business counts numerous letting agencies, landlords and returning customers who use and recommend our low cost, fast and service. Call 0115 8320195 or use message system below this post.
LS Locksmiths Nottingham is not a franchise, we do not sub contract to national locksmith companies. We never charge a call out fee and prices quoted are fixed totals no VAT.
LS Locksmiths
72 Noel Street
Locksmiths near Bulwell Nottingham